

10-20 15:08:24 | 浏览次数: 73018 次 | 栏目:初三英语试卷
标签:初中英语试卷,http://www.manfen6.com 九年级英语第一次模拟考试试题(笔试部分),


V. 单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分。)

26. Jenny’s shoes were worn out . She wanted to buy a new _______.

A. shoe     B. shoes   C. one       D. pair

27. ------Who taught ______French ?

   -------Nobody. She learned all by _______.

A. herself ; her         B. she ; herself     C. her ; herself         D. her ; she

28. This is the ______time in ______days that he has made the same mistake.

A. second; third       B. two; three   C. two; third          D. second ; three

29. It’s said that the gravity on Mars is only about ______if the gravity on earth .

A. three-eighths       B. third-eighth   C. three-eights        D. third-eight

30. _____a player, I ‘m looking forward _______the 2008 Olympic Games.           

   A. For ; at    B. As ; to    C. With ; for    D. Of; to

31. My grandmother likes keeping pets. She said a pet could help a person feel ______.

   A. more nervous       B. alone      C. less lonely           D. terrible

32. ______little water is not enough for _____many people.

  A. Such ; so         B. So ; so    C. Such ; such       D. So ; such

33. This math problem is ______that one.

A. not so easy as     B. more easy than    C. as easier than      D. easy than

34. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed ______than usual.

   A. early              B. earlier    C. late           D. later

35.  ---_____we swim in the river?

   --- No, you______. It’s dangerous to swim there. 

A. Must; can’t       B. Can ; may  not   C. Shall ; don’t      D. May ; mustn’t

36. --- Mr Wang _____be in the office. The light is still on .

   --- No , he ______be . Because he phoned me from the farm just now.

A.     can ; mustn’t    B. mustn’t ; mustn’t     C. can ; can’t        D. must; can’t

37.----Did you see Mr. Smith when you were in France?

  ----No, when I _____ France, he had gone to China.

  A. had arrived to     B. arrived to   C. had got to        D. got to

38. Dad, the phone is ringing. I guess either you or Mum ____on the phone.

  A. is wanted   B. are wanted     C. wants   D. want

39. Mr Green kept on _______the players ______team work.

  A. asking ; to remember         B. asking ; remembering 

C. to ask ; remembering         D. to ask ; to remember

40. --- I hope you ______my party next weekend.

---OK, I ______.                           

A. to come to ; will        B. come to ; will  

C. can come to ; am       D. can come to ; will

41. Yangyang never plays his video games in his spare time, ______?

  A. is he    B. isn’t he   C. does he    D. doesn’t he

42.When you are learning English, use it , ______you will lose it.

  A. but     B. or      C. then    D. and

43.----Why didn’t Alice come to the party tonight?

  ------I don’t know _______.

  A. why didn’t she       B. why she didn’t     C. why did she          D. why she did

44. Don’t be afraid of asking for information _____it is needed.

  A. when    B. after   C. although     D. unless

45. Frank _____to see his grandpa if he _______free tomorrow.

A. will come ; will be     B. comes ; is     C. will come ; is         D. comes; will be       

VI.完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

                         A  diamond  necklace

Some people were eating and drinking in a coffee shop. A young woman was sitting __46__at the table. She was wearing a beautiful diamond necklace. There was a ugly man at a table not far from her. He was __47__ at her necklace all the time.

Suddenly the light went __48__ . The coffee house was in dark. The woman started to shout. She was very afraid. A few minutes later, the lights came on again. The woman was crying. Her necklace  was___49__.

The manager closed all the doors. He telephoned the police. No one could  __50_ the coffee house. The policeman soon came. The policeman officer asked his men to search everyone. The necklace was not on __51_. Then they searched the whole coffee house. They could find __52_.

The police officer watched the faces of all the people in the coffee house. He saw the ugly man and looked at the man carefully. He went__53__to the man and picked up the bowl of soup that was on the table. He then poured the soup into a glass. The necklace __54_out. The policeman caught the man took him away. The young woman was happy to __55__her necklace.

46. A. lonely    B. alone    C. quickly     D. near

47. A. looking   B. seeing   C. watching    D. reading

48. A. on       B. in       C. out        D. into

49. A. go       B. goes     C. went       D. gone

50. A. look out  B. look out of   C. get out   D. get out of

51. A. anyone  B. someone  C. everyone  D. the ugly man

52. A. nothing  B. anything C. something  D. everything

53. A. on       B. up         C. down       D. for

54. A. looked   B. took        C. fell         D. felt

55. A. look for    B. get back   C. go back     D. come back