

10-20 15:07:49 | 浏览次数: 50718 次 | 栏目:初三英语试卷
标签:初中英语试卷,http://www.manfen6.com 九年级英语总复习资料情景写句专项练习,

1. 你想打听一下同桌的橡皮擦的颜色,你可以说:What color is the eraser?
2. 你想知道某个单词的拼写时,你可以这样对他说:How do you spell the word?
3. 当有人介绍新朋友给你认识,你很高兴地对她说:Nice to meet you!
4. 当你想邀请几位同学一起去打乒乓球时,你对他们说:Let’s go to play ping-pong.
5. 当你很欣赏某人出的主意时,你可以这样说:That’s a good idea.
6. 王老师想知道你爸爸的电话号码,他该怎么问你呢:What’s your father’s telephone number?
7. 老师问你早餐吃了什么,你说:I had a hamburger for lunch.
8. 同学的红色毛衣很漂亮,你想询问毛衣的价格,你应该这样说:How much is the red sweater?
9. 当你想知道对方的生日时,你可以这样问:When is your birthday?
10. 你问Mike想不想去看电影,你应该说:Mike, do you want to go to a movie?
11. 你想知道对方喜欢什么类型的电影,你可以这样问:What kind of movies do you like?
12. 你想加入学校的俱乐部,学校有各种俱乐部,负责人可以这样问你:
What kind of clubs do you want to join?
13. 你想加入艺术俱乐部,负责人要问你是否会弹钢琴,他说:Can you play the piano?
14. 你要问对方每天什么时候起床,你说:When do you get up every day?
15. 你想知道对方最喜欢的科目是什么,你说:What’s your favorite subject?
16. 你的笔友问你说什么语言,你应该说:I speak Chinese.
17. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以这样问:Where do you come from?/Where are you from?
18. 你要到图书馆,但不知怎么走,你该怎么问:Excuse me. Where is the library?
19. 你想知道对方父亲是干什么工作的,你可以这样问:What does your father do?
20. 当你想问对方长大了想干什么,你这样问:What do you want to be when you grow up?
21. 同学打电话给你,问你在干什么,他说:What are you doing?
22. 你的朋友想知道近况如何,他可以这样问:How is it going?
23. 你的朋友在外度假,你想知道那的天气怎样,你可以这样问他:
How is the weather there?/ What is the weather like there?
24. 你戴你父亲去机场接他的朋友,但你不知他的长相,你问你的父亲:What does he look like?
25. 你去面馆吃面,服务员问你要多大碗面条,他说:What size bowl of noodles would you like?
26. 你想知道对方周末干什么了,你这样说:What did you do on weekends?
27. 寒假结束了,你问对方去哪度假了,你这样问:Where did you go on vacation?
28. 你想知道别人是否喜欢体育节目,你可以这样问他:Do you like sports shows?
29. 你碰到你的朋友,你想知道他学校的校规,你可以这样说:What’s the rules at your school

1.你想问对方周末通常做什么事, 你问:What do you often do on weekends?
2.你朋友问你周末通常做什么,你回答:I often play sports.
3.你去医院看病,医生会首先怎么问:What’s the matter?/What’s wrong?
4.你朋友喉咙痛,你建议他说:You should drink some hot tea with honey.
5.你要问对方假期打算做什么,你应该问:What are you going to do on vacation?
When are you going on vacation?
7.你想知道朋友的妹妹怎么上学的,你问:How does your sister go to school?
8.你想问对方去上学要花多长时间,你问对方:How long does it take you to go to school?
9.你想问对方家离学校有多远,你问他说:How far is it from your home to school?
10.你要邀请对方来参加你的晚会,你应该怎么邀请:Can you come to my party?
I’d love to, but I have to go to see a doctor.
12.你要知道今天几号,你应该怎么问:What’s the date today?/ What’s today?
13.你想知道今天星期几,你怎么问:What day is today?
14.你要对方怎么制作香蕉奶昔的,你这样问:How do you make a banana milk shake?
15.你们在制作奶昔,你要知道多么牛奶,你怎么问:How much milk do we need?
16. 你学校郊游会来后,你妈妈要知道你过得怎样,她该这样问:How was your school trip?
17.你朋友去郊游会来,你想问他是否去动物园了,你这样问:Did you go to the zoo?
18.你想问对方什么时候出生的,你问:When were you born?
19.你要知道朋友长大时的理想,你该怎么问:What are you going to be when you grow up?
20.别人问你长大了要做什么,你回答:I am going to be a teacher.
Could you please clean your room?/Would you mind cleaning your room?
Can I use your computer?/Would you mind my using your computer?
23. 你到一个地方,想知道这里最好的服装店,你可以这样问:
What is the best clothing store?
24. 你想说过去这儿有许多树,你说:There used to be a lot of trees here.
25. 你想说将来会有更少的树。你说:There will be fewer trees in the future.
26. 你想说将来会有更少的污染。你说:There will be less pollution in the future.
27. 今天天气怎样?What is the weather like today?/ How is the weather?
28. 明天天气将会怎样?What will the weather be like?
29.看到对方不开心,你要问:What’s the matter?
I argued with my friend. What should I do?
31. 朋友告诉你他钱不够,你怎么建议他:You could borrow some money from your brother.
32. 记者采访对方UFO到时正在做什么,他问What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
33.记者采访你UFO到时,你正在做什么,你可以这样回答:I was shopping when UFO arrived.
34.你想知道对方周六早上9点正在做什么: What were you doing at 9 o’clock last Saturday?
35.你父母想知道你的英语老师的评价,她该问:What did your English teacher say?
36. 妈妈问你英语老师对你的评价,老师说你可以学得更好,你这样对你妈妈说:
She said I could do better.
37.你想知道如果走路上学,会怎样,你问:What will happen if I walk to school?
38..你想知道对方昨天滑冰多长时间,你问:How long did you skate yesterday?
39.你想问对方什么时候开始滑冰,你问:When did you start skating?
40.你想问对方滑冰多长时间了,你问:How long have you been skating?
45.你想知道同学的妹妹集邮多长时间了,你问:How long has your sister been collecting stamps?
46. 你想请求对方打扫房间,你问:Could you please clean the room?
47. 别人问你是否介意打扫房间,你可以回答:Would you mind cleaning the room?
48. 对方的车挡了你的道,你该怎么请求:Would you mind moving your car?
49.你妈妈的生日就要到,要买礼物,你问朋友:What should I get for my mother’s birthday?
50. 你的朋友要给妈妈买礼物,你建议他:Why not buy a scarf?/You could buy a scarf.
51.你认为你朋友建议买的礼物不够特别,你说:It’s not special enogh.
52. 你想问对方收到过的最好的礼物是什么:What’s the best gift you have ever received?
53. 问对方是否曾经去过水族馆。Have you ever been to the aquarium?
54. 你想告诉对方你从来没去过水上公园,你说I have never been to an aquarium.
55. 对方说他从来没去过香港,你也是,你说: Neither have I. /Me, too.
1. 你想问对方怎么复习备考的,你说:How do you study for a test.
2.你想问对方是否小组合作学习过,你问:Have you ever studied with a group?
3. 你想问对方是否通过大声朗读学英语,你问:Do you learn English by reading aloud?
I learn English by joining an English club.
5. 你想说你过去矮,你说:I used to be short.
6. 你想说你过去怕黑,你说:I used to be afraid of the dark.
7. 你想说你过去不是长发,你说:I didn’t use to have long hair.
8. 你想问对方过去戴眼镜吗,你问:Did you use to wear glasses.
9. 别人问你过去是否矮,你回答说: Yes, I did.
10.你想说16岁少年不应该被准许开车, 你说:Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.
11.你想问对方有什么家规,你问:What rules do you have at your home?
12.你想问对方如果有一百万,要干什么,你问:What would you do if you had a million dollars
13.别人问你如果有一百万,要干什么,你回答:I would give it to charity.
14. 你不知该穿什么去参加晚会,你问朋友:I don’t know what to wear.
15. 你大考前睡不着,你向朋友征求建议,你说:I can’t sleep before a big exam. What should I do?
16.你朋友说大考前睡不着,你给他建议:You should take a long walk before going to sleep.
17. 你想问对方的个性,你问:What are you like?
18.你们看到有人在跑,你猜测说他可能在赶公车,你说:He might be running to catch a bus.
19.你猜这本法语书肯定是Ming 的,你说:The French book must be Ming’s .
20.问对方喜欢什么类型的音乐,你问:What kind of music do you like?
21. 别人问你喜欢什么类型的音乐,你回答:I like music that I can dance to.
22. 想知道对方最近听什么CD,你问:What CD did you listen to recently?
23. 你想知道对方对这CD的评价怎样,你问:What do you think of the CD?
24.想问对方想去哪里度假,你问:Where would you like to go on vacation?
25.我想去某个轻松的地方, 你说:I would like to go somewhere relaxing.
26. 我希望有一天去巴黎。你说:I hope to go to Paris some day.
27. 你想说你喜欢天气暖和的地方。你说:I like the places where the weather is warm.
28. 你想说你喜欢人们友好的地方。你说:I like the places where the people are friendly.
29. 你朋友要参加志愿者活动,你想建议他可以在食物救济站分发食物。你说
You could give out food at the food bank.
30. 你想参加志愿者活动,你想知道你可以参加什么志愿者工作.你问:
What kind of volunteer work could I do?
31. 你要问对方汽车什么时候发明的,你问:When was the car invented?
32. 你要问对方电话由谁发明的,你问:What was the telephone invented by?
33. 问对方电动拖鞋的用途,你问:What are the electric slipper used for?
34. 别人问你电话由谁发明的,你回答:It was invented by Bell.
35.别人问你电动拖鞋的用途,你回答: They are used for seeing in the dark.
36.你想问对方认为最有用的发明是什么,你问:What do you think is the most helpful inventions
37. 你想告诉朋友你很倒霉,你到校时,铃声已经响了。
By the time I got to school , the bell had rung.
38. 你想问对方是否上学迟到过,你问:Have you ever been late for school?
39. 你想问对方在April Fool’s Day 这天,什么事发生在Dave 身上,你问:
What happened to Dave on April Fool’s Day?
40.你想问到邮电局怎么走,你问:Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the post office.
41.你要买字典,但不知怎么走,你问:Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?
42.你想知道哪里有吃的好地方,你问:Excuse me. Do you know where there is a good place to eat?
43.你想知道附近是否有公共厕所,你问:Excuse me. Could you please tell me if there are any public restrooms around here.
44.你想知道韩国人第一次见面该怎样,你可以这样问:What are people in Korea supposed to when they meet for the first time?
45. 别人问你在中国初次见面该怎样,你可以这样回答:We are supposed to shake hands.
46.你想说大声的音乐使你想离开。Loud music makes me want to leave.
47. 你想问对方对污染有什么感受?How do you feel about the pollution?
48. 你们家要去旅行了,你妈妈想知道你喂猫了吗?她这样问:
Have you fed the cat?
50. 你要问海牛有多大? How big are the manatees?
51.你想说你们正设法挽救海牛。We are trying to save the manatees.