a, an, about, after, afternoon, again, ago, air, all, along, am, and, angry, animal, answer, ant, any, apple, April, are, ask, at, August, aunt, auntie, aunty, autumn
back, bad, bag, ball, banana, bank, basketball, bathroom, be, bean, bear, beautiful, bed, bee, before, begin, best, between, big, bike, bird, birthday, black, blackboard, blue, blow, boat, book, borrow, boots, bowl, box, pencil box, boy, bread, breakfast, bright, bring, brother, bus, but, buy, by, bye
cake, can, car, card, careful, carry, cartoon, cat, chair, cheap, cheese, chess, chick--chicken, child, children, chocolate, city, class--classroom, clean, clear, clearly, clever, climb, clock, close, clothes, coat, coffee, coin, cold, have a cold, colour, come, come back, come out, come to school, computer, cook, cool, corner, of course, cup, cut
dad, dance, dark, date, day, dear, December, deer, desk, difference, dirty, do, doctor, dog, door, down, draw, dress, drink, driver, dry, duck
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