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书信作文书信种类 说明信书信instruction You will hold regular social meetings for people of different nationalities in your area, so write a letter to the editor in your local newspaper, describe 1)....雅思考试
Writing: Task 1: the number of 4 sports players in a particular European country,line graph Task 2: Everybody should stay at school until 18 year-old.-- 积攒RP,希望明天口语顺利,RP爆发!额。。刚考....雅思考试
Part 1NameIs your given/family name a common one in your country?Do people in your country usually have middle names?Does your name mean anything or have a special significance?Do any other people ....雅思考试
上来攒RP……深圳考点,下午第一个part 1: 第一类是关于hometown, 问你hometown在哪里,你家人是否喜欢一直在一个城市生活,你觉得深圳是不是一个适合居住的城市;第二类是关于邻居的。两个问题,你认不认识你的邻....雅思考试
在雅思考试(国际英语语言测试系统)的写作题目中,考生需要完成2个写作任务。在任务1中,考生需要完成150字的写作;在任务2中,考生需要撰写250字的议论文。如果在写作考试中,考生在任务1 (描述图表或写信)中,没....雅思考试
Section 1 版本号 场景 题型V08143S1 House-renting Completion/Multiple Choice/Matching详细说明一个男人到中介公司租房子1.选地址B A. near station B. near leisure centreC. near park. (这题女的介绍先说near....雅思考试
1.The widespread of the Internet and new technology has a new trend that it will take the place of traditional way of communication sooner or later (such as mail and talk face-to-face)。 To what ext....雅思考试
Part 1Personal information &IntroductionWhat’s your full name?Are you working or studying?When do you usually get up?What’s the best time of a day?Hometown and AccommodationWhere are you from?W....雅思考试
8月总得来说小作文是比较平稳的, 会出现流程图的(这个简直一定了)。 除此之外还有准备线图和表格的必要了G类的同志们要准备抱怨信, 感谢信和道歉信(同时提出邀请)。1. 1.When we travel to foreign countries,....雅思考试
图表作文图表种类 柱图图表instruction The bar chart shows the number of the internet users and non-users of different ages in Queensland, Australia, 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and r....雅思考试
雅思考试预测使用说明 INSTRUCTION● 预测适用时间:20xx年1月8日考试临近两场的听力、写作考试范围非常接近,因此相邻考试的考生请参考本次预测。每次周末考试(不含周四加考)都会有专门诊对该场考试的预测,预测将....雅思考试
12月4日雅思考试全面预测预测使用说明 INSTRUCTION● 预测适用时间:最新一年12月4日考试● 预测适用考区:中国大陆地区,港澳台地区,亚洲其他地区(日韩泰)以及澳洲均可参考本预测。以上地区笔试部分(听力、阅读....雅思考试
PART1Full nameWhere are you fromWhat kind of accommodation do you live in?Did you go the museum when you are young ?When did your last time to the museum ?Is there any famous museum in your country....雅思考试
雅思考试预测使用说明 INSTRUCTION● 预测适用时间:最新一年12月4日考试● 预测适用考区:中国大陆地区,港澳台地区,亚洲其他地区(日韩泰)以及澳洲均可参考本预测。以上地区笔试部分(听力、阅读、写作)为统一试....雅思考试
预测使用说明 INSTRUCTION● 预测适用时间:最新一年11月27日考试● 预测适用考区:中国大陆地区,港澳台地区,亚洲其他地区(日韩泰)以及澳洲均可参考本预测。以上地区笔试部分(听力、阅读、写作)为统一试卷,口....雅思考试
How often do you read the paper or watch the news on TV?Analysis:询问考生使用报纸电视等媒介的频率。不需将答案过多引申到具体媒介的内容。Sample Answer:I’d say not very often. I watch TV but not much....雅思考试
悲剧的一天。看了回忆发现n个没加复数。confidence写成confident,remember写成remmber。看了机经居然上了考场一点印象都没有- -。阅读TFNG全蒙。我哭= =北语3点20 310房间。很严肃的男子- -p1:work or study.major....雅思考试
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