模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature学案(高二英语)
- 名称:模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature学案(高二英语) 下载
- 类型:高二英语教案
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:10-16
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:923次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:13.0 KB
- 推荐度:4 星级
《模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature学案(高二英语)》简介
模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature学案(高二英语),
2009-最新学年度 高二英语讲学案主备人:徐华妹Module 5 Unit 3 Welcome to the unit课前自主预习一 教学任务与目标.Students are expected to participate in a discussion , using what they know about cloning to express their own opinions towards cloning. Students are expected to be involved in the discussion, practise their spo,
大小:13.0 KB
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《模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature学案(高二英语)》相关下载