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襄阳一中、枣阳一中、曾都一中、宜城一中 2010—2011学年度上学

  • 名称:襄阳一中、枣阳一中、曾都一中、宜城一中 2010—2011学年度上学 下载
  • 类型:高考英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-01
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:334
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:6.70 MB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《襄阳一中、枣阳一中、曾都一中、宜城一中 2010—2011学年度上学》简介

标签:高考英语试卷,高考英语,历年高考英语试题及答案, 襄阳一中、枣阳一中、曾都一中、宜城一中 2010—2011学年度上学,


第一节  多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



21.She had to ________a friend’s request to go to Shanghai together because her company had arranged for her to meet customers in Beijing during the week-long holidays.

      A.call up            B.turn down           C.break up              D.tear down

22.The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gifts from his patients, so he has a very good _____________.

      A.expectation        B.reputation         C.contribution       D.civilization

23.With more than 60,000 HIV/AIDS suffers, Xinjiang  _______fourth of all Chinese regions in number of suffers.

      A.ranks            B.covers              C.accounts         D.occupies

24.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially _________ Chengdu to join its “Creative Cities Network”, making it the second city in the world and the first city in Asia

      A.adopted          B.appointed          C.admitted            D.approved

25.I guess we’ve already talked about this before but I’ll ask you again just____________.

      A.by nature         B.in return           C.in case          D.by chance

26.Actually few young people like moon cakes, but, __________, we have to have some as it is a day for that.

      A.anyhow          B.somewhat      C.otherwise          D.therefore


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