

11-01 11:51:45 | 浏览次数: 14718 次 | 栏目:英语学习方法
标签:英语学习方法,http://www.manfen6.com 中考必备:英语单词拼写练习题,




  1. There're twenty-six ______ in the English language.

  2. The PRC was founded on ______ 1, 1949.

  3. She's clever and hard-working, so she never ______ in any exam.

  4. Yao Ming has become famous in NBA, which is short for National ______ Association.

  5. Many children in China may enjoy the fast ______ at the McDonald's now.

  6. Our government (政府) has cared for agriculture (农业), ______ and fanners for a long time.

  7. The students should study hard instead of going to the Internet cafe (网吧) to talk ______.


  1. letters 2. October 3. fails 4. Basketball 5. food 6. countryside / country 7. online

TAG: 练习题  中考  英语单词