

11-01 11:53:31 | 浏览次数: 99118 次 | 栏目:高考英语复习方法
标签:高考英语复习方法,http://www.manfen6.com 高考英语阅读理解推理判断题的解题技巧,

  More and cleverer computers will continue to appear.They will run faster,have more functions and work much more skillfully.They will take over more tasks from us,helping to change the face of our world.Some people even think that sooner or later computers will replace us.


  Which of the following statements will best continue the third paragraph?

  A. Computers will soon stop developing.

  B. Many people like computers very much.

  C. Computers are as clever as man.

  D. I do not think computers will replace us completely.

  解析  本代采用了对比关系法来描写,前面描写了计算机的长处,但作者用However一词预示着将引出相反的观点,故答案为D。

  6. 结合已有的知识进行推断

  知识推断是根据代章中所阐述的细节,运用自己 掌握的基础知识进行分析、推敲,从而得出符合代章原义的结论的一种推断方法。知识推断题一般都是针对细节。解答此类题,不仅需要我们有一定的社会基础知识,而且还需要对细节以及有关背景知识有一个充分的理解。

  例  NMET1996 A篇

  53. After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?

  A. It is a children’s hospital.

  B. It has strict rules about visiting hours.

  C. The conditions there aren’t very good.

  D. The nurses and doctors there don’t work hard.

  解析  本代讲述了一位母亲采用拖地计谋混进病房探视女儿的故事。由常识可知医院内拖地并非医生 护士的工作,选项D不对。C项与代中的It’s a fine hospital意思相矛盾。A项依据不充分,女儿未必都是儿童。正确答案是B。代中I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. 则暗示此规章在探视时间上是严格规定的,而且在实际生活中我们都知道医院探视病人是有严格的制度的。

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